Orenda Engines Limited - Engine Projects

- Engines Research and Development Vision
● gas turbine - power, machinery, automotive, aerospace, marine

Notes: Various engine projects are being transferred from :
National Turbo-machinery & Propulsion Inc. (https://www.national-turbo.ca);
and are being updated.

Orenda Iroquois - 19,250 lbs thrust - axial flow turbojet,
● independent, co-development projects, OEM and retro-fit

Engines based on the original vision of https://national-tubo.ca

Agility Series : 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 75,000 lbs thrust -
custom build axial flow turbojet

Audacity Series : Turbofan engines 5,000 - 20,000 pounds thrust

Affinity Series : Turboprop engines 5,500 shp

Power and performance, something more up to speed

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NTPI_Engines-1.pdf “The most awesome engine portfolio in Canada!”